Appreciating HWG’s Superheroes Day 4
Kelly Travis has been with the YWCA Childcare program for 14 years. Kelly is our universal Pre-K Teacher. Over the years she has worked at learning Adventure, Drop-in, and Here we Grow. Kelly has worked with Infants on up to preschooler’s and also as a Team Leader. Kelly provides the best learning experiences for kids and is never afraid to let them get messy. Super power- Multi-tasking.
Dustin Spaulding has been with the YWCA for the past 3 years. Dustin is our cook by day and cleaner by night. Dustin prepares our delicious meals and delivers them every day. At night he cleans our center and makes sure we have all the supplies we need. Super Power- Making Tasty Meals.
Emily Forest has been a substitute teacher for us for the past year. As a substitute she works in all of our classrooms and gets to know all of our children. Emily has a sweet demeanor that draws the children to her. Super Power- Sweetness.