Thank you to all who bought tickets, to benefit the Aid to Victims of Violence Program.  All proceeds are used to assist victims in our own community.

Raffle basket winners:

1. Family Fun Basket /  Phyllis Haskell

2. Local Business Basket / Meryl Fish

3. Antique Wine Basket / Sonya Langan

4. Pampered Chef Basket / Jennifer Berthlot

5. Thirsty Owl Basket / Peg Davis

6. Wine Basket 1 / Kim Stevens

7. Chocolate Lovers Basket / Nan Pasquarello

8. Beauty Basket / Linda Glover

9. Kitchen Appliance 1 (food processor) / Amy O’Shea

10. Cozy Home and Adventure Basket / Diane Toolan

11. Kitchen Appliance 1 (air fryer) / Mary Coffey

12. Wine Basket 2 / Karen Seibert

13. Lotto Tree / Donna Day

14. Antique Style Doll House / Tanisha

15. Movie Night Basket / Phyllis Haskell

16. Baby Basket / Charlene Switzer

17. Kitchen Goodies Basket / Karen Seibert

18. A Little Bit of This and That Basket / Mary Stevens

19. Lake House / Jessica Smith