Free K-12 Tutoring at the YWCA Resumes 1/27
*Original publication date: January 23, 2025*
Youth in grades K-12 are welcome to attend free tutoring sessions with SUNY Cortland students from Monday through Thursday, starting January 27, 2025. Please note that some dates may change due to SUNY scheduling, and this program will only run while classes at the college are in session.
Days: Mondays – Thursdays
Time: 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Location: Drop-in service at the YWCA, Basement level
Note: Parents of children under 12 must stay on location. Youth ages 12 and up may attend on their own.
No prior registration is required!
For questions, contact Mindy at
*Content included in this post was accurate on the date it was published. All information and pricing are subject to change without notice.